LG EBT61701310 Pcb-Main; Chassis Assembl
- Price$273.29
- Core $ 104.44
- Total $377.73
Pcb-Main; Chassis Assembly, Main La01U 55Lw5300-Uc.Ckd
New or factory refurbished depending on availability from the factory at the time of order.
Available as a Special Order - Normal delay is 4 to 5 business days + shipping days. Order Now
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Above price includes a $104.44 Core Deposit.
The core is your original/old defective part. The core deposit will be refunded on return of your core. Core return instructions will be provided with your order.
LG EBT61701317 Available as a Special Order
LG CRB31286101 Available as a Special Order
90 Day Factory Warranty